Stripe SCA Compliance

As full SCA compliance was enforced at the beginning of this week in the UK we’ve been supporting various users through the issues that have cropped up.

One to note is around Stripe and the API versions that you may be using within the Stripe portal. If, like many of our clients, you setup stripe some time ago and enabled a version of the API in Stripe to use at the time, you may not have needed to go into Stripe and update to the latest or you may have the default set to an older one if you’re using multiple accounts.

If that is the case then you may now experience a high volume of rejections and depending on the way that CiviCRM is configured, can lead to further problems as customers retry and funds are held on their card for up to an hour.

In order to cure this, you probably need to update the API being used within Stripe.

  • Login into stripe account
  • Click ‘Developer’ link (top right of the page)
  • In ‘API version’ section, check if the ‘latest’ API version 2020-08-27 is set as ‘default’, if not, upgrade API version to latest version 2020-08-27 (upgrade link should on the right side in ‘API version’ section)

If you are finding Stripe and CiviCRM challenging feel free to reach out to us.